docuflow Customer Success Update

New Customer Success Program

We’re happy to announce our new Customer Success Program, designed to provide you with enhanced support and resources. This program includes:

Quarterly Newsletter: Stay updated with the latest news, tips, and resources.

Regular Check-ins: Schedule regular check-ins with your Customer Success Manager at your convenience. Schedule Now

Annual Business Reviews: Comprehensive reviews to align docuflow solutions with your business goals.

Upcoming Implementation User Guides: Access detailed guides to help you implement docuflow solutions effectively.

Expect to hear from your Customer Success Manager soon to schedule time with you. We look forward to driving business value for you!

Driving Business Value

We’re excited to introduce the new docuflow Use Case Catalogue, a practical resource designed to help your business enhance efficiency and reduce costs through smart content management.

This catalogue provides detailed examples of how docuflow can simplify your document processes. It covers the technology stacks that we work with as well as how we work with them. This is great to help you draw a roadmap to further leverage your investment with us.

docuflow use cases

Areas you will find covered in this catalogue:


Tech Connect, November 12 – 14, 2024

BoxWorks, November 12, 2024

Stay Tuned for local ASUG events

We love seeing our customers and look forward to thanking you in person for working with us.


Q1 Accomplishments:

In the first quarter, we’ve achieved significant milestones: 

  • FileNet BACSoC Cloud Connector Support 
  • IBM Content Connector for SAP Backward Compatibility allowing you to simply drop us in and avoid migration. 
  • SuccessFactors SaaS Enhancements 
    • Updated SaaS release with enhancements 
    • Improved Onboarding 1.0 Support 
    • Folder Structure Templates with security for Direct Box Access

*These are estimates and priorities might change based on business direction.

SAP S/4 CMIS Compatibility 

New IBM Part Numbers

SAP S/4 Cloud Public Support (via CMIS)

SAP CMIS Certification

SAP ILM Compatibility

docuflow for integrations 2.0 

IBM CM8 Connector expansion for SAP

Other storage repository connectors for SAP

Platform Integration


Ole Miss Logo

Addressing your SAP content can lighten the load, reduce risk, and cut costs. Discover how The University of Mississippi is using Box and VersaFile’s docuflow to automate content and data archive workloads to the cloud. Learn from their experience in saving time and money by moving SAP files and workloads for over 20,000 students and faculty to the cloud.

Ole Miss Webcast

Hear from Al Ling and Chris Provence from Ole Miss in this latest ASUG Webcast on “Moving to S/4HANA? Reduce risks and costs

Ole Miss Case Study

Read the Success Story of how Ole Miss saved time and even millions of dollars through our SAP content and process automation solution.

  • Time: 45 Mins
  • Speakers from University of Mississippi:
    • Al Ling – Director of Business Applications and ERP
    • Chris Provence – Associate Director of Business Applications and ERP


Ole Miss Logo

Addressing your SAP content can lighten the load, reduce risk, and cut costs. Discover how The University of Mississippi is using Box and VersaFile’s docuflow to automate content and data archive workloads to the cloud. Learn from their experience in saving time and money by moving SAP files and workloads for over 20,000 students and faculty to the cloud.

Ole Miss Webcast

Hear from Al Ling and Chris Provence from Ole Miss in this latest ASUG Webcast on “Moving to S/4HANA? Reduce risks and costs

Ole Miss Case Study

Read the Success Story of how Ole Miss saved time and even millions of dollars through our SAP content and process automation solution.

  • Time: 45 Mins
  • Speakers from University of Mississippi:
    • Al Ling – Director of Business Applications and ERP
    • Chris Provence – Associate Director of Business Applications and ERP


Josef Hans Lara

Director of Business Development

Josef has decades of experience in business development, leading Versafile opportunities with customers and partners. He helps them find the value and ROI of docuflow and become part of our community.

Oday Brahem

Program Enablement

Oday has worked in both technical (QA Engineer) and business roles. His goal at VersaFile is to drive business value for our customers with a high value customer success program. His role is to act as your key contact and advocate at VersaFile.


Over the last few years, the docuflow suite of products continue to grow significantly, streamlining content centric workflows around the world, driving tangible business value. Our customers are the driver of this success and to ensure we continue to learn more from our customers on how VersaFile can drive business value, we have opened a feature request form to submit feedback.


Ole Miss Logo

Addressing your SAP content can lighten the load, reduce risk, and cut costs. Discover how The University of Mississippi is using Box and VersaFile’s docuflow to automate content and data archive workloads to the cloud. Learn from their experience in saving time and money by moving SAP files and workloads for over 20,000 students and faculty to the cloud.


University of Mississippi

Use Case: SAP Migration to 

Cloud Solution: Utilizing Versarle’s docuflow, the University of Mississippi successtully migrated SAP files and workloads to the cloud, managing data for over 20,000students and faculty.  


  • Significant time and cost savings, improved data accessibility, and 
  • streamlined operations. 


Use Case: SAP S/4HANA 

Preparation: Almatis leveraged docuflow to prepare for SAP S/4HANA by automating content and data archive workloads, ensuring data integrity and reducing downtime.


  • Enhanced readiness for S/4HANA migration, reduced risk.
  • Minimized operational disruptions.

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